Friday, July 27, 2018

The total lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018

The total lunar eclipse is going to be happened from 1:14 pm to 7:28 pm (EDT) on July 27th, 2018. The time of Moon meeting with Ketu is 4:20 pm (EDT).   
The Moon is with Ketu and Mars Rx in Capricorn and the Moon and Mercury Rx in Cancer is opposition during the period of the total lunar eclipse. The lunar eclipse is usually affected few days to few months.

Volcanic or earthquake will be more activated. The violence we shall watch. We have more patient to communicate with others. We have to re-consider and re-determine the order for dealing tasks of our life by their relative importance during the period. We use the time to clean our inner demon or the unused clothes or stuff. Keep our mind peace as possible.

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